
Holiday Themes/activities/slogans (LM-NET):
  • Warm up with a good book:  Wear sweaters or warm up suits; serve cocoa to faculty
  • Chill out and read:  wear scarves and winter hats
  • We're "red hot" readers:  Wear red; serve apple cider to the staff
  • There's "snow" better time to read:  wear white or snowmen shirts
  • Wrap up your holidays with a good book:  wear scarves, bows, or bring blankets
  • Stories are presents for your imagination:  wear santa hats
  • Cozy up with a good book:  blankets
  • Pajama Day--for "Polar Express" and serve cocoa
  • Penguin Day:  wear black and white
  • Mistle"toe" day--wear toe socks
  • Slip into a good book:  wear slippers

Create a tree made from books in your library. (An old encyclopedia is perfect. You can make a smaller 2ft tree if a 6ft one seems daunting.